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Menopause is a natural part of aging. It marks the time in your life when you stop menstruating, as well as the point when you can no longer have a baby naturally. By definition, a woman is in menopause when she has not gotten her period in 12 months.

The time leading up to menopause is called perimenopause and the period afterward is post-menopause. You will notice changes in your body during all three phases. At Geisinger, our gynecological providers use a team approach to help improve your physical and mental well-being.

What you should know about menopause

  • Menopause usually occurs between your mid-40s and mid-50s. The average age is 51. As you get older, your periods may become irregular, but it’s only when they’ve stopped for one year that you have reached menopause.
  • Perimenopause and menopause cause a range of symptoms that can last for several years. You won’t necessarily experience every symptom, though. Common symptoms include:
    • Hot flashes, or night sweats (if you have hot flashes at night, they’re called night sweats)
    • Mood swings
    • Trouble focusing or remembering things
    • Weight gain
    • Trouble sleeping
    • Urinary incontinence

Why choose Geisinger for your menopause care?

  • Coordinated healthy aging care: Our gynecologists coordinate with other Geisinger programs and centers such as Cardiology and Orthopedics. Together, they treat all symptoms related to aging and menopause. Additional challenges can include osteoporosis, heart health, skin health and breast health.
  • Specialized emotional support: Our behavioral health providers, specially trained in women’s health, can provide help and support throughout your menopause transition.

Treatment options

Menopause does not have to be an uncomfortable and unhappy time. Our gynecologists can help you get through this transition gracefully.

Request a consultation today

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